Kandidátka do AS FEL

I have decided to run for the academic senate of FEE CTU in Prague. My candidacy poster in English and Czech follows. Thanks for you interest and support!

Martin Schaefer

PhD student at Artificial Intelligence Center at CS department. I studied bachelor in Cybernetics, masters in Open Informatics and spent erasmus at Eindhoven University of Technology.

I like student initiatives, engaging students into research, teaching and PR of the faculty. I don’t like not maintained areas and closed parts of the corridors. I would like to increase students’ awareness and involvement into university affairs. I wish we had faculty that is open and helpful to students and provides lecturers and researchers with professional services. In the academic senate, I would support the development of FEE in this direction.

Martin Schaefer

Doktorand v Centru umělé inteligence na Katedře počítačů. Studoval jsem bakaláře kybernetiky, magistra na OI a absoloval erasmus na TU Eindhoven.

Líbí se mi studentské iniciativy, zapojování studentů do výzkumu, výuky a propagace FELu. Nelíbí se mi zanedbané prostory a uzavřené části chodeb. Rád bych zlepšil informovanost studentů a jejich angažovanost do dění na univerzitě. Od fakulty si přeji vstřícnost ke studentům a profesionální servis učitelům a výzkumníkům.

V senátu bych podporoval směřování FELu v tomto duchu.

martin.schaefer@fel.cvut.cz, @schaefer_cz, schaefer.cz